Blog je mesto gde možeš da čitaš o navikama IT-evaca, najavama IT dešavanja, aktuelnostima na tržištu, savetima i cakama kako da uspeš na ovom dinamičnom polju.
Mi pratimo trendove, na tebi je da se zavališ u fotelju i čitaš :)
Programeri ignorišu upozorenja, C++ sve popularniji
Čini se da developeri nisu poslušali savet da prestanu da koriste C++ i C zbog bezbednosnih problema sa memorijom, s obzirom na to da najnoviji podaci ukazuju da se C++ popeo na drugo mesto Tiobe indeksa popularnosti programskih jezika, odmah iza Pythona,
Programeri kreiraju programske jezike u tridesetim godinama
Većina programskih jezika koje danas koristimo kreirana je od strane programera u njihovim tridesetim godinama. Srednja starost kreatora programskih jezika je 36 godina, dok je prosečna starost 37,5 godina. Ovaj trend pokazuje da su programeri najprodukti
Syncing Data from DocumentDB to OpenSearch using Change Streams
Change streams are a feature of Amazon DocumentDB that provides a time-ordered sequence of data change events that occur within a DocumentDB cluster. Change streams can be enabled for an individual collection and can be configured to provide the complete
Node.js Lambda Package Optimization: Decrease Size and Increase Performance Using ES Modules
This article explains how to optimize Node.js AWS Lambda functions packaged in ES module format. It also shows an example with bundling and AWS CDK, as well as results for gained performance improvement. Node.js has two formats for organizing and packagi
How I made the Spring Boot startup analyser
It's no secret that Spring applications can sometimes freeze at startup. This is especially noticeable as a project develops: the new service starts quickly and shows great responsiveness, then it acquires some serious functionality, and the final distrib
Deploying a Spring Boot API to AWS with Serverless and Lambda SnapStart
This article will cover how to create an API that returns the closest Starbucks locations near the given point and radius. The API will be backed by MongoDB to utilize geospatial queries, with a Spring Boot app wrapped into a Mono-Lambda on top, deployed
Top 10 Visual Studio Code Extensions for 2022
As is well-known, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a powerful, lightweight code editor available for free on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It’s one of the most popular code editors coming with a robust set of features out of the box. The capabilities of VS Co
FON Hakaton powered by Levi9 je uspešno završen!
Levi9 je imao čast da podrži i aktivno učestvuje na FON Hakatonu, 24-oro časovnom takmičenju u kreiranju softverskih rešenja na zadati problem. Popularnost takmičenja ove godine pokazuje rekordan broj timova koji su se prijavili za učestvovanje, čak 65! N
Do frontend and backend have a future together?
Find out how challenging it is to change technologies, what could possibly reconcile frontend and backend and learn how to evolve as a programmer. Pour some coffee, put on some relaxing music and join us for the twelfth episode of The Hüb, where Igor Đur
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