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DDC OSS d.o.o.


O nama

DDC OS was established in 1989 and is part of The DDC Group.

The company has grown to service a wide range of customers in a variety of sectors. With operational locations in the UK, Bosnia and the Philippines, DDC OS has a truly global reach.

We are servicing clients in a range of languages, thanks to our highly skilled multilingual workforce.

We believe our approach is what makes us different; we spend time getting to know your business to create a truly unique proposition that has continuous improvement at its heart.

We are proud of our reputation as a leader in hybrid onshore, offshore and nearshore business processing and customer experience service solutions. Over 30 years’ experience is applied innovatively and collaboratively. These two elements combined are what make DDC OS, the award-winning company we are.


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Omladinskih brigada 90d, Beograd