O kompaniji

O nama

Itavis  started in 2001 as a hardware supplier. From the outset, our strategy  has been to help companies and public institutions find the best IT  solutions to support their organization and business.

Since then, we have developed to include a broad pallet of efficient  and reliable IT services in managing IT infrastructure and outsourcing  IT operations.

We now serve customers across Denmark, Scandinavia and Europe. We  have a 24/7 manned Operation centre and a development department that  ensures that we can always offer the next generation of proven IT  solutions.

We are still Danish-owned and our data centers are located in  Denmark. This means that our customers ‘ data also does not leave  Denmark, which has become an important requirement for many companies,  among others, IFT. Protection of personal data.


Ovaj poslodavac odgovara na vaše prijave

Ovaj poslodavac odgovara na vaše prijave

Priznanje predstavlja dokaz da poslodavac odgovara kandidatima na njihove prijave nakon što je konkurs za posao završen, nezavisno od pozitivnog ili negativnog ishoda.


Broj zaposlenih

Profit i prihod


Sokolska 4, Beograd
Strandvejen 863, 2930 Klampenborg, Denmark