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What is a software tester and how can you become one?

What is a software tester?

A software tester is someone who ensures that software meets its requirements and works as intended. A software tester may also be known as a quality assurance engineer. Software testing is the process of verifying the correctness, completeness, and quality of a software program. It includes verifying the functionality of the software, as well as checking for errors.

Testing can be done manually or with automated tools. Automated testing is generally faster and more efficient than manual testing, but it can be more expensive to set up and maintain.

There are many different types of software tests, including unit tests, integration tests, functional tests, and regression tests:

· Unit tests verify the functionality of a single software component.

· Integration tests check that components work together as intended.

· Functional tests verify that the software can perform its intended tasks.

· Regression tests check that code changes do not have adverse side effects on existing features.

What does a software tester do?

A software tester is responsible for finding and reporting defects in software. They may also be involved in the development process, providing feedback and suggestions to help improve the quality of the software. The role of a software tester is important in ensuring that software meets its intended purpose and is fit for release. By finding and reporting defects, testers can help to improve the quality of software and prevent potential issues from becoming bugs that users may encounter.

How to become a software tester

Software testing courses & certifications
To become a software tester, it isn’t necessary to complete any courses or certifications – being eager learn about the technology is enough. But these courses can be a good way of improving your skills and increasing your chances of getting a job.

There are a number of different software testing courses and certifications available. However, some of the most popular and widely recognized include the following:

· Certified Associate in Software Tester (CAST) certification from the Quality Assurance Institute (QAI),

· The ISTQB Foundation Level Certification from the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB).

· Certified Software Test Professional Associate Level (CSTP-A) by International Institute for Software Testing (IIST)

Whichever certification you decide to pursue, make sure that it is accredited and will be recognized by potential employers.

Foundational courses available for learning software testing have exploded in number since the pandemic. You can find all sorts of free and paid courses. Here are our top picks:

· ISTQB Software Testing Foundation course

· The Complete 2022 Software Testing Bootcamp by Udemy

· Best QA Manual Software Testing: Live Project+Agile+Jira+API by Udemy

· LinkedIn Learning- Test Automation Engineer Course – Lynda

· Coursera’s Software Testing and Automation Specialization offered by University of Minnesota

Software testing blogs

Software testing blogs are a great resource for software testers of all levels of experience as they can offer insights, tips, and advice on a variety of topics. Additionally, many software testing blogs also feature guest posts from industry experts, which can be a great way to learn about new testing techniques or tools.

There are many blog posts and articles that can be found online which provide helpful tips and advice on software testing. These are some favorites:

· Types of Software Testing from Guru99

· How To Improve Your Testing Skills And Beat The Competition! from Software Testing Help

· 5 Ways to Improve Software Testing On Your Products from GeeksforGeeks

Software testing books

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best books on software testing will vary depending on your level of expertise and experience. However, some good books on software testing that may be worth considering are the following:

· Introduction to Software Testing by Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt.

· A Practitioner's Guide to Software Testing by William E. Perry

· Effective Software Testing: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing by Elfriede Dustin.

These books can provide you with a solid foundation on which to build your knowledge of software testing.

Software tester roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of a software tester can vary depending on the organization they work for and the specific project on which they are working. However, there are some common duties that all software testers typically perform. These include:

· Evaluating the functionality of software to ensure it meets user requirements

· Designing and executing test plans to identify defects

· Reporting defects to developers and working with them to resolve issues

· Creating test reports detailing the results of their testing

· Maintaining up-to-date knowledge of new software testing tools and techniques.

Skills of a software tester

The skills that you need to become a software tester depend on the company that you work for and the specific software testing job that you are applying for. However, there are some basic skills that all software testers should have.

Technical skills

There are a variety of technical skills that software testers need in order to be successful. Some of the most important skills include:

· Understanding how to use various testing tools and frameworks

· Writing and executing test plans and cases

· Creating and maintaining test data

· Identifying, reporting and tracking bugs

· Working closely with developers

Soft skills

As a software tester, you will need to be able to communicate effectively with both developers and customers. You will need to be able to explain problems and offer solutions clearly and concisely.

Project management skills

Project management skills help software testers to plan and organize their work, track progress, and communicate with stakeholders. These skills are essential for managing the testing process and ensuring that quality software is delivered to customers.

Where to find a job as a software tester

There are a few ways to find a job as a software tester. You can search online job boards, contact testing companies directly, or attend job fairs.

Online job boards are a great way to find software testing jobs. Sites like Indeed, Monster, Profesia (for Slovakia), and Poslovi.Infostud (for Serbia) have hundreds of testing jobs posted at any given time. You can also search for specific companies that you’re interested in working for.

Another option is to contact testing companies directly. Many of these companies have their own websites where you can submit your resume and apply for open positions. Finally, you can also attend job fairs. These events are often specifically for software testers and provide an opportunity to meet with potential employers in person.

No matter which method you use, be sure to put your best foot forward. Have a strong resume and be prepared to talk about your skills and experience. With a little effort, you should be able to find the perfect job as a software tester.

Rare Crew rewards skilled software testers

At Rare Crew, we are always on the lookout for talented software testers who can help us ensure that our software is of the highest quality. We offer a number of great benefits for those who decide to join our team:
