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How to write a good CV?

Did you know that over 53% of recruiters read a CV under 30 seconds? And that just about 27% of them read it within a single minute? Then you must know how important it is to write a good resume! So what does this actually mean? Your resume should not be over 2 pages long and you should use a maximum of 2 fonts. This is how its content should look like by order:
  • Personal data
  • Career objective
  • Education
  • Work experience
  • Additional education/Courses/Seminars - optional
  • Technologies and programming languages
  • Languages
  • Other
How to write a good CV? The most important thing to be considered is that you have to enter work experience and education in a reverse chronological way. This means putting your last experience and education at first place. Another important thing is that you correctly name the position you worked at before or you are working at now. List every task and responsibility in the job description field - provide as much information as possible. This is very important because recruiters estimate your competence, skills and personality according to what you have written in this field. Do not write what you have not done, but do point out your strengths in tasks you have been working on. Bullets are the best way to enter your responsibilities in the job description field. People usually make mistakes and write down that they have good, solid or excellent knowledge of English or other foreign language. Since your perception of good knowledge is usually not the same as the perception of others, the best way is to point out the level of knowledge according to the Common European Framework (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). Do not forget to include your portrait photography. At last, since you are willing to become a Vega IT developer, you need to list every programming language and technology you know. Remember: The main point of your CV is to provide you an interview with a recruiter. If you do not point out most important facts about yourself - you will probably not get a call. When writing a resume, try to answer a simple question: Why should I be invited for an interview? Please feel free to send us your résumé (preferably in English language) through our career page or by sending it to our email address jobs@vegait.rs For more information about VEGA IT, visit their profile! 
