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Code For a Cause 5: Designers, Your Local Community Needs Your Help!


The second phase (public voting) of our campaign “Code For a Cause” was super-exciting and we are grateful for all the support we have received! Thanks to your votes, we were able to create this year’s priority list:

  1. The associtation "Kroz trnje do zvezda": website
  2. The center for molested and missing children: Application "Web detektivi"
  3. Organization Animal Rescue Serbia: Application "Prijavi"
  4. The association "Uvek sa decom": Website "Gradimo zajedno"
  5. The application for the association "Obrok za porodicu 3M"
  6. The organization "Irida": A fund for a scholarship “Putevima devojčica”
  7. Centar za podsticajnu negu "Novi Sad": App for Family Backup
  8. Humanitarian center of Novi Sad: The application "Podeli obrok"
  9. The organization "Leuka": website
  10. The center “Horizon”: a website "Negovatelji bližnjih"
  11. The association "Fileo": Website
  12. Women’s initiative: "Pink Flag" application
  13. The organisation "NORBS": a website
  14. A humanitarian center of Novi Sadhumanitarni centar: The application "Beba poklanja"
  15. StartHub Kosjerić: Website/Chat service
  16. Ecological association "Zeleni Sad": a website
  17. The association "Zrenjaninska inicijativa": the application "AirQD"
  18. The association "Zeleni ključ": The application "Prva Zelena hitna pomoć"
  19. A website "Kulturna zona"
  20. The association "COME OUT": a website
  21. The association "Umni": EDUmni website
  22. "RES" foundation: Online calculator for calculating energetic efficiency of residential buildings
  23. The association "Zeleni ključ": The application "Zelena tačka"

However, this is just the beginning!

Designers, It’s Time to Make a Change!

Last week, we invited IT companies and engineers all over Serbia to join our cause and give their contribution by developing tailored-made solutions during our Hackathon in October.

Now, we are opening a call for designers who want to join our Hackathon and support initiator ideas with functional and modern design.

How can you apply to become part of this year’s Hackathon?

If you want to become part of our campaign and make a difference in your community, you can do so as a design agency or individual designer by filling out THIS FORM until the 16th of September.

Based on your previous experience and preferences you enlist in your application we will assign you to one of the projects from our list of priorities. We hope you will join us on this mission to give support to the communities and turn their ideas into a reality!

Key Things To Remember about Our Hackathon

The final part of our campaign will be the 48-hour long Hackathon which will take place from the 14th until the 16th of October.

Our final event is the moment when the magic happens, and all of the hard work pays off. This is probably the reason why Hachkaton is one of the most exciting moments for most participants that have joined us so far.

It’s up to you to choose whether you want to join us live during the Hackathon in our office space, work from home, or work from your own office space. Our main goal is to develop software solutions which will have a positive impact on the communities in our country. So if you are up for a challenge, fill out THIS FORM and we will contact you.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to contact us at cfac@vegait.rs.

Disclaimer: Vega IT reserves the right to include an additional project in the priority list after the voting takes place if we believe that that specific idea will have a positive impact on society. All the ideas, as well as software, will remain the property of the initiators of the ideas and will be given to the public to use them. Vega IT is also obliged to finish all the projects that were initiated during the Hackathon and give the source code to the idea initiators.

For more information visit their profile!
